Foundations Life Recovery is our 13-month residential program intended to break the cycle of homelessness and addictions. It encourages individual accountability and responsibility using a Biblically-based class curriculum, work assignments, and counseling. The desired goal for each man is to complete this program and become a contributing member of society. Foundations Life Recovery is based on I Corinthians 3:11, “For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.”
Foundations Information
This is a 13-month program. You may leave at any point if you feel that this is not a right fit for you.
Foundations is a FREE recovery program. You and your family will not be asked for a down payment or any type of forced monthly payment.
Food and lodging are provided as a part of the program.
Men will participate in various jobs at The Hope Center.
Smoking is not permitted on The Hope Center property.

Foundations Principles
Our program curriculum has six colored levels based on Biblical principles:
BLUE- Acknowledgment: I need change. Only Jesus can produce the change I need.
This is a 2 – 4 week period for the staff to determine if a man is here for the right reason.
YELLOW- Acknowledgment: I recognize that the actions I need to change are offensive to God and others.
This is a stage of recognizing the seriousness of sin in general, but especially of your sins.
RED- Acknowledgment: I desire to no longer continue in my old offensive behaviors, but instead desire to live for God’s glory. I recognize that this is what I was made for.
This is a stage of repentance.
WHITE- Acknowledgment: I am 100% responsible for my behavior. I need accountability from God, His word, and His people to live a life that glorifies Him.
This stage is all about seeking help to change.
During this stage you will read a book about being a Godly man, called Titus 10.
During this stage you will also be required to get a mentor and accountability partner.
GREEN- Acknowledgment: The leadership and I can see visible growth in the areas I came here to change. We can also see the Fruit of the Spirit operating in my life.
This is a stage about transformation.
During this stage, you will finish Titus 10.
GOLD- Acknowledgment: I am depending on the Holy Spirit to daily live out the great commandments and the great commission. My thoughts are centered around God, His purposes, and His will. In everything I do, I want to bring Him glory.
During this stage you will show that you have believed the Gospel, and that you can clearly share it with someone else.
You will be required before leaving the program, to have shared the Gospel with someone.
*Throughout the program you may be asked to share your testimony.
If you, or someone you know, is ready to commit to breaking the cycle of addiction, dependency, and hopelessness by joining our life recovery program, then please get in touch with us today to talk to someone who can get the process started or fill out the form below to begin the process. We're here to help bring lasting change to men, ready and willing to step up and be all God created them to be. You're only 13 months away from freedom and recovery!

Terry Izer
Foundations Life Recovery

Rafael Ruppert
Foundations Life Recovery Advisor
Carmelo Colon
Foundations Life Recovery Advisor